Safe Place for Refugees…

Check out this incredible update video on the Katowice Refugee Center in Poland which is now a safe place for 60 Ukrainian refugees to find hope!! 

Three more Builders construction teams have gone since video production, which brings the total to 8 teams so far and two more going in October!

Thank you for your part in building hope around the world!

For help or insight on coordinating a team feel free to call me!


Builders Relations   

 M: 417.860.8401 | W: 417.582.0003



Facebook: jimlindawellbornmissionsDonate:

Every person deserves a place to belong. We connect volunteers and donors with trusted community leaders around the world, and together we build PLACES where people find HOPE!

A spectacular dining experience…

Join us on Tuesday, September 13, for a spectacular nationwide dining experience in a city near you!

This will be an evening unlike any other…you’ll meet extraordinary people and dine on exquisite food while meeting an urgent need in Europe!

The Europe Region of Assemblies of God World Missions is partnering with Builders International to orchestrate a LIVE, nationwide, multi-site, simultaneous dinner event! 
Join hundreds of missions-minded people from coast to coast for Taste of Hope | LIVE as we raise support to expand the Continental Theological Seminary in Brussels, Belgium.
Register Now because space is limited and locations are selling out quickly!
Societal brokenness and human suffering have overtaken Europe.

Continental Theological Seminary must expand to equip the next generation of Spirit-empowered church leaders and move the pentecostal mission forward in the face of secular philosophies.
New Europe Regional Directors, Larry and Melinda Henderson, will join my wife, Laci, and me to virtually host every site LIVE from the Builders International studio. We will also hear from Dr. Joseph Dimitrov, President of Continental Theological Seminary, as he shares his heart for CTS!
You can help empower students called to reach Europe!

For help or insight on coordinating a team feel free to call me!


Builders Relations   

 M: 417.860.8401 | W: 417.582.0003



Facebook: jimlindawellbornmissionsDonate:

Every person deserves a place to belong. We connect volunteers and donors with trusted community leaders around the world, and together we build PLACES where people find HOPE!

#Building4Life: It’s Not Rocket Science

img_3529Shortly after I joined the team at Builders International—MAPS Construction, we all attended the Royal Ranger National Rendezvous of the Frontiersmen photo-16Camping Fellowship at the national camp in Eagle Rock, Missouri.

Many of the leaders and boys attending the camp spent an hour in one or more of our classes with our Builders experts. They were able to take workshops in welding, plumbing, block laying and tabernacle raising. With tabernacle raising, they were able to work on preparing the steel frame for a Central American church.

10509593_10152518305742295_7031286143439353393_nIt was incredible to see, no matter the age, how quickly participants learned to use our simple tools, especially when it came to the block laying. Most of the construction work on our AG churches, schools, Bible schools, and other ministry facilities, consists of mixing cement by hand and laying block. It’s not rocket science, and most of us can pick it up quickly.

We need people whose hearts God has touched to help our fellow believers who have far fewer resources than we. Most of our volunteers are not professional builders at all, just folks who the Holy Spirit has prompted to Go and Give of their time and labor!

Come and be a part of one of our teams! Here are just a few:


We urgently need brick masons for an upcoming project, April 22‐30 to help rescue street kids in Santiago, Chile!


Builders International managers Dale and Connie Williams are currently hosting teams to complete the current renovation phase of Global School of Theology in Rustenburg South Africa.


Partner with us to reach victims of sexual slavery. An incredible ministry opportunity is underway by Assemblies of God World Missionaries, Bob and Michele Perez to construct the very first government-recognized, safe-house shelter for victims of human trafficking.

To find out about more Building4Life opportunities happening all across the globe, check out or contact the Builders office at 417-582-0003.

A Builder’s Heart FOR Haiti

Traveling for the past 21 days 4,935 miles, itinerating for our new missions appointment, we have had the opportunity to share with many churches and individuals the amazing work Builders International-MAPS Construction is accomplishing across the globe.

Our team is empowering AG missionaries and local pastors who in turn transform lives and communities with the love of Jesus Christ. In many locations we literally help turn the local pastor into a community hero for the gospel!

Our team is empowering AG missionaries and local pastors who in turn transform lives and communities with the love of Jesus Christ. In many locations we literally help turn the local pastor into a community hero for the gospel!

Check out this video report from Haiti: 

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Since the January 2010 earthquake that devastated Haiti, our Builders International work continues in that nation. We are still helping this country, our missionaries, and our Haitian brothers and sisters to get back on their feet.


We were recently able to share the video you just watched with our friends Pastors Tim (pictured above with his oldest daughter Emily) and Ann Black and their congregation at Emerald Coast Church ( in Fort Walton Beach, Florida.

It is so fulfilling to see Pastor Tim and the congregation catch the vision to come alongside with a promise of missions support and to participate in one of our Builders International projects in this country. “Jim preached an incredible missions message and ministry—and our church responded. Now we really want to put a team together,” says Tim.

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I would love to take time to personally share the ministry of Builders International with you and your congregation. Please feel free to contact me at the points below. 

Now is a crucial time in the itineration process. Will you help us empower our missionaries and national pastors in ministry, so that we might see a great harvest in the years to come and beyond? Without your prayers and financial help our “building for life” mission is just not possible.

We truly appreciate and value every prayer and gift of support. Please prayerfully consider what you or your church can give today–whatever the amount. CLICK HERE to give an offering or set up your monthly support. And, either way the Lord leads, we want you to always serve the Lord with gladness!

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God bless you for your prayers and giving as we travel, seeing old friends and making new friends so as soon as possible we can get back to Builders International/ MAPS Construction to do our part to build the kingdom of God brick by brick. Our next stops will take us to Ohio, Pennsylvania, Maryland, South Carolina and back to Florida. Please follow along via our social media connection points listed below.

Thank you for Building With Us as we move forward to impact and change lives around the world!

—Jim & Linda Wellborn

Assemblies of God World Missions

Builders International/ MAPS Construction


Twitter @JimWellborn

Instagram JimWellborn

Visit our AGWM Missionary Profile by Clicking Here



On the Road: Argentina Pioneer Missionaries & Church Planters


Linda and me are enjoying the opportunity to spend Christmas with Jonathan, Michelle and the grandkids who are serving as AGWM missionaries to Argentina. This country has a rich church planting legacy thanks to the work of pioneer missionary Ralph Hiatt and others like him.


Mile by Mile…Brick by Brick

Hello Friends,

One of the really cool things about itinerating as an Assemblies of God (AG) missionary is that you get to spend time visiting old friends. And boy do I have a lot of old friends in Florida and Alabama. My dad pastored in West Florida and South Alabama while I was growing up, I attended youth camps at least once each summer, and then attended AG’s Southeastern University in Lakeland FL.

Now, again I am traveling—back through Alabama and Florida, seeing old friends, but always looking to make new ones.


This week I had the chance to have breakfast with missions pastor Jeremy Todd from Coastal Church in Daphne, Alabama. It is great to see young leaders planting a new church with a passion for the lost and hurting people in their community yet, with a tremendous missions heart for a broken world.

During these journeys I remember many of the missionaries that came to my dad’s church—people like Charles Greenaway, John Treherne and David Brauchler. All those guys were real heroes to me. I thank God they instilled in our hearts a passion for missions and to reach the lost.


Missions can powerfully change someone’s life—we’ve witnessed it over and over again.

Our Builders International team missionaries have recently taken construction teams to Nepal, Honduras as well as to a sensitive country. I want to invite you to join us as a team member on one of our future Builders trips. To find project details go to:

Let’s do something significant for the Kingdom of God and affect thousands of souls!

God bless you for your prayers and giving as we travel, looking for new partners to be able to get back to Builders International/ MAPS Construction and do our part to build the kingdom of God brick by brick. Without your prayers and financial help our “building for life” mission is just not possible.

You can sign up as our prayer and giving supporter at by clicking here. 

Thank you for your strong support today and in the coming year!

Building Together!

In the Building Business—13 Years and Counting

“Building is our business, People are our Purpose.” —Ryan Moore, Builders International director

As we look back over the 13 years plus years as AG missionaries, Linda and I can see how God has been preparing us for the building work now and in the years to come.

Our heart has always been building at ground level—hand-in-hand with missionaries, churches, pastors, youth leaders and individual laborers of all ages to see soul saves and communities across the globe transformed by the gospel.


Veteran builders like Norm Correll (above: sitting on the left by Ryan Moore) inspire me. In 1966, Norm led the very first Builders International/MAPS construction team to construct Calvary Church of Freeport, Grand Bahamas, which also served as a Bible school for the area. The building is still used today as the church’s youth facility.


I’m inspired by building projects that are taking shape like The National Youth Evangelism and Training Center in Costa Rica (above). This project will serve to build so many students who will in turn take the gospel message

The building opportunities opening up in coming year also inspire me. It is a privilege for Linda and I to come alongside our missionaries and national pastors to create sustainable ministry structures to reach their Jerusalem, their Judea and eventually their world if Jesus tarries.

As we focus on Building for the Kingdom we are once again reminded that it requires teamwork on every level for any successful construction project. So far you’re partnership has allowed us share the love of Jesus to serve people in over 60 countries.


As we approach 2015, we know there is so much more opportunity, but any building opportunity requires the faithful commitment of team members working together towards a common vision. Your partnership is crucial as we facilitate these projects for our missionaries across the globe.

These are important days ahead. Will you help us empower our missionaries and national pastors in ministry, so that we might see a great harvest in the year to come and beyond? Your gift of support today and ongoing monthly partnership, no matter the size, will enable this great mission. You can click here to designate your online gift today or monthly giving commitment towards our ministry.

We are grateful for your intercessory prayer and giving commitments in our Life-Building endeavor! Thank you for your partnership and strong support in the coming year.

Thank you for Building with Us!

Jim & Linda Wellborn

AG World Missions


Twitter @jimwellborn

Like Builders International on Facebook

Your Building Opportunity in Costa Rica

“I think a lot of us feel that we have nothing to offer to a missions trip or to other people or sometimes even to God…But He just needs people who are willing to love, willing to work and willing to give themselves to others.” —Nate Sims, videographer and son of Builders International Missionaries John and Deborah Sims

Your actions do have the power to transform destiny. At Builders we are focusing on more than constructing another building, we are utilizing these opportunities as a catalyst to fulfill God’s commission to reach souls for the Kingdom.

One of the ways that Builders is reaching the country of Costa Rica this year is by assisting with the construction of The National Youth Evangelism and Training Center. This is project is part of a strategic effort to invest in souls as well as the youth of this country.

Although the building work is still in process, leaders and trainees from around the country are already using the unfinished facility. The project needs only a few more teams to finish this project.

If you can, consider giving your time to assist in finishing this missions project. If you can’t go, please prayerfully consider what you can do so that others may take the message into this part of the world.

Thank you for Building with Us!

Jim & Linda Wellborn

AG World Missions

Builders International

Twitter @JimWellborn

Like Builders International on Facebook

Where it All Connects

It takes all kinds of folks to build the Kingdom.

Personally. I’ve always been inspired by Andrew. He was not one of the special group of three disciples, and he doesn’t even have a book in the New Testament .

The first time we hear of him we see him making introductions—introducing his brother Peter to Jesus. And, just look what happened in his brother’s life after meeting Jesus.

Then, he brings a group of Greeks to meet with Jesus. Next, he finds the boy with the 5 loaves of bread and 2 fish and brings him to Jesus.

Personality-wise, Andrew was wired very differently from his brother. Peter was task-oriented—spontaneous, aggressive and always rushing in to get the job done.

But Andrew was a people-person. He noticed people. He was eager to hear their story, see their needs and bring them to Jesus.

You see, Andrew was a first century Connector.

Recently an academically accomplished friend gave me Malcolm Gladwell’s book “Outliers” which many business leaders are reading.

My friend encouraged me to read the chapter on “Connectors.” That’s when I realized —I’m an Andrew….I’m a Connector.

For 26 years working with Ambassadors In Mission, the last 14 as AG World Missionaries,  I’ve enjoyed connecting students to missions opportunities to join this Great Commission. Now, the Lord has opened the door for Linda and me to continue to connect adults to missions with our new assignment with Builders International.

However, for this new assignment we must raise another $1000+ in monthly missions support as well as $15,000 cash so that we can achieve sustainability in our mission to connect teams with overseas Kingdom building opportunities.

We are so thankful for your partnership with us in giving and prayer support. We would not be able to do what we do without friends like you.

God bless you all as you continue to give so that others may go into all the world spreading the Good News to every nation, tribe and tongue!


AG World Missionaries—Builders International
